Part 89: Gumbo NPC Chatter 2
Sculptor guy here is oblivious to the... goings-on just outside of his front door.

: Simone...? Is that the frog statue?

: Yes! One evening the Frog Goddess appeared beside my bed and said, "Carve a statue modeled on me". And this statue is what I made. Quite beautiful, don't you think?

That got weird in a hurry.

: Oh Simone! You are our goddess! The stars! The moon! The sun!

: It is certainly well made, for a frog.

: Simone! I've decided! Let's get married! I cannot be away from you!
... Fuck it, let's just examine the statue.

: Wow, you made this frog statue so skillfully. I can almost hear it croaking right now.

: Puffy puff! Puffty puff!

: Golly. It really croaked!?

: Oh, was that you, Puffy? You startled me.

: What is it? What did I do?

: Whoa! Don't come near me! Don't look at me! Drat. Do you want me to suffer by allowing you to come near?

: Well I don't understand at all either. What in the world's going on?
Whew. Now to get everyone on the beach.

: Why yes I do.

: Well young lade, we're of like mind. Later, we'll speak more of beauty. Oh, wait! Forget what I just said! Agh. Just like always, when I see a pretty girl, I forget myself.

: Me? Did you say I'm pretty? Did you?

: Octopus!? What?! How rude!

: For example, they wouldn't rush into fire or water for love. All these youth are spineless!

: But you look very young, too.

: Of course. I'm still only 20. Today's youth have no idea of the excellence of love worth dying for.

: Aha. Well then, where is your girlfriend?

: Well, um! I'd love to risk my life, but I have no partner. Ho ho. If I had a partner, I would risk my life, my all.

: I beg you that today for one day I will meet no man of this village. In particular, I bet that I will meet... no, NOT meet Tom Tom. Because I want... no DON'T want to see him. O Spirits, answer my prayers. Let me forget Tom TOm. I hate men, hate men!

: Wow! That's pretty intense.

: What have men done to you?

: Please grant my wish...! Eeek! A man! Yikes. Go away! No no. A MAN! Go away! Idiot, idiot, idiot!

: like gurgling and cooing... Gurgle, coo coo....

: Look at that. He fell right asleep.

: Murmur, murmur. Gurgle.

: The three of us have been friends for a long time. Let's go on being friends.

: The three of us are good friends. We are always together. Right Shirumi and Yuiyui? Don't get this wrong, now. No one is a couple here.
On the one hand, it's kinda cute that those three are going to such lengths to maintain their friendship.
On the other hand, it's kinda sad that those three have to go to such lengths to maintain their friendship.

: You really must want to be together. You are really brave to go to the island at such a time.

: Island, you mean that one?

: Why do you say brave?

: The island used to be hopping. But not anymore.

: There's a legend that if you throw a coconut over your shoulder from here to a couple on that island, your wish will be granted. But I can't confirm that it's true. In the first place, there aren't any couples. I wish a couple would show up soon. Then I'd throw a coconut at them with all my might. With all my might... oooof!
More games need romantic moments interrupted by flying coconuts.

: But when I said that to Daddy, he said I can't marry him. What can I do?

: Well, surely your father doesn't want to give you up just yet.
I suppose I could've talked to her first and skipped most of the villagers.

: Drama, you say? Are you an actress?

: Ha ha ha. That's a good one! But, my unfortunate one, I am writing the script for a drama. I've been wanting to put together a tragedy for some time, you know. Now, the material for a good tragedy is all over town. Two people in love and yet separated. Aah, so tragic....

: What's wrong? Why are you talking to your own reflection in the mirror?

: Huh? ... How cute! ♥ You are the girl for me. But... I can't talk to you. I know that you're cute. I know that I'm good looking. Normally, fate brings two people together, but be patient for now! For our future, be patient! For someday I will see you. Will you wait for me? We will be apart till then, sweetheart!

: What is with this kid?

: It's lousy, really lousy, for two people to meet this way now. So, we must meet again, sweetheart.

: Persuading, praising, gifts.... But I did marry the most beautiful woman in the village, right, Grandma?

: Ha ha. Even Grandpa brags about his own romance.

: You are young, and yet you stay together. You are so daring.

: What do you mean?

: Well now, you lovebirds are young, and stay together. You're bold.

: What? What lovebirds?

: Oh, stop playing dumb. You're with this pretty girl there, right? It's terrible when your partner is so slow. Isn't it, Pretty One?

: What!? No, that's not right, I...

: Ho ho ho. I see now. There's no need for words when the love is so strong, right? Just like we were when we were young.

: We are not a couple!

: Why is everyone calling us a "couple"?

: Why do we call you a couple...? Don't a man and woman together make a couple?
We're talking to a green-haired kid here. He's hidden behind Gadwin at the moment.

: What's the stuff that flies in the air?

: Hmm. Flying? It's just a couple, so their hards are swooning....

: Naw, that can't be it!

: Whoa. Don't yell out all of a sudden, OK?

: Ooooooh! Ooooooh! Waaah! Waaah! I still can't forget. I sill like Taylor. Uh oh. I blew it. I let it slip out of my mouth.

: Hey hey. Why are you yelling in such a loud voice over here?

: I ought to forget about girls.... Hey?! You're a girl, aren't you?!

: Of course I'm a girl. EXCUSE me!

: Please don't talk to me. Boo hoo hoo.

: That's not something to cry about. What is it? Are you hurt?

: Is it my imagination, or are they flirting?

: Waah. Are you a girl? I'm asking you, please don't get too close. There's nothing that says I can't be with her... I mean him. SHe's... oh, ahh.... HE'S a nice man.

: It's a beautiful day today. Planting is going well, too.

: Wow, you have a really high voice.

: Is that so? I never really noticed. I think I have a rather manly voice, actually.

: Hmm. He's an awful delicate man.

: I'll give you a little training!

: Eeeek!!! ... ... Uggh.... Glub, glub....

: What did you do, Gadwin?! He's foaming at the mouth!

: Hey? He's a woman! You're a woman! Why are you dressed as a man!?

: Ungh. What was that for...? What did I do...? Glub, glub....

: What are you doing, all of a sudden? You made my lover faint!
Dammit, Gadwin. Seppuku is going to be a thing with you, isn't it?

: THat's OK! You don't have to be so extreme.

: OK, OK, now let's just keep it a secret that you met us here.

: If you studied as much as I have, you could speak the frog language. So listen closely now. Ribbidy ribbit ribbidy ribbit! Ribbidy ribbidy ribbit!

: Even if I listen closely....

: Well, maybe you can't understand the frog language.

: Puffy puff puff. Puffty puff! Puffty puffty puff!

: What!? That superior melodic, soulful sound.... Could it be?! The long lost, true frog language?

: Is that so? That's Puffy's language.

: Ribbidy ribbit ribbidy ribbit! Ribbidy ribbidy ribbit!

: Puffy puff puff. Puffty puff! Puffty puffty puff!

: Are you two having an important conversation?

: I don't understand a word.

: Hmm. I see. You were very hungry.

: Puffy puff!

: That's what I thought.